
What does " How are you?" mean?

Hi, guys!!

OMG!! I have not update since last month!!

I experienced many things last week, but if I write all of them it'll be too long and boring, so I gonna select 1 thing!!

It is about one interesting discussion in my class. Can u guess what we discuss?? hehe

As you can read in title, we talked about what " how are you?" is real meaning.

In this case, which person should say first?? Man?? Woman?? I think man should do first. haha

Have you ever been asked " How are you?" by stranger, especially American?

It really do happens in America, because I experienced!!

And, It was my first surprise because Japanese people, we don't speak to strangers without constraint. But, in America, people speak to me with saying " How are you?".
During waiting a bus, in campus, in cafeteria, in airport....... It happens everywhere!!

Although I was scared at first, I became to like their asking " how are you?" culture.

But!! " How are you?", " How are you doing?",and "How's it going?" , those questions can easier to respond for me, because all I need to say just " Good!".

" What's up?" was really tricky, because I did not know how to answer.....

When I went to shopping mall with my friend and we met a really handsome American boy who is in our same class. And then, he said " What's up?" to me.......
I really did not have any idea to respond, so I just smiled to him...... So sad!!
I really really regaled not to know the answer phrase, because it was good chance to talk with handsome American guy!! haha

I think " How are you?" is the good and convenient phrase to start talking with strangers.

Comparing with Japanese, I think there is no phrase as " How are you?".
Maybe "元気ですか?" has the same meaning, but it is not casual.

English is sometime useful, but sometime really difficult.

1 件のコメント:

Amaebic Schizophrenea さんのコメント...

In America 'How are you' can mean two things. Most of the time, if someone says 'how are you' or 'what's up', it is their way of saying 'hi'; it does not mean they 'really' care how you are doing.

i know that may sound cold or cruel, but it's not really. in japan, do you care how a total stranger is doing? even if you care for them as a fellow human being, you don't really know them...

but, if a friend knows something has been bothering, and they say 'how are you?', sometimes they really mean it.

sono ue...

'what's up' ha totemo responses ga aru. tatoeba: 'Nothing much' to ittemo ii; if things have been rough, but you are still positive, 'hanging in there' to ittemo.

'what's going on?' is also a way to say hello, but mostly to close friends.