
Music saves culture shock!?

Hi, guys!

In last class (Wednesday), we learnt about culture shock!

In that class, almost everyone came to Japan just 3 weeks ago, and some are first time to come to Japan, so I think some students already experienced culture shock.

Of course, I did experienced in America!!

Everyone is bigger than me.....

Every American talks tooooo fast to understand.....

Food is tooooo much and oily for me ......

Traffic system was sooooooooooo bad in Pullman (the city I stayed)...... haha

Lots of things were different for me in America!!

And, in the end of the class, teacher talked about how to cope with culture shock, and he gave advice to listen to music!!!

That's what I really did in America!! I think I could not survive with music there!!

Music really healed my heart;-D

Before I went to America, I was really hooked by American pops and rocks like Avril, Greenday, and so on. BUT, suddenly I stopped listening them and became to love J-pop like Sukima-Switch, Kobukuro, and Johnny's.

They are SUKIMA-SWITCH. Their songs, especially "BOKU NOTE", "KANADE", " ZENRYOKU-SHONEN" were really cheered me up.
While I stayed in America, I sometime really felt down and even regreted coming.
But, looking back to those days, the experiences I got there( including culture shock) were really worthy for me. And, it was really good opportunity to touch different culture and know more about my Japanese culture through music.

1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

>//w//< Ahahaha, I don't blame you for being shocked!

The image America puts out through its music and celebrity magazines, isn't really fake, it's just that they only follow a few groups of people and their hobbies, homes, and actions.
;3; あまり怖くなかったの~? やっぱ日本の方が良いよね~
xD I was quite shocked when I went to Korea, so I hope if I ever go to Japan, that initial shock will last me through my stay there~

Anyways, I've heard of Sukima Switch! o3o Are they really that good~? <3

*huggles* Your blog is fun~! >w<