
Japanese style of job hunting

Hi, guys!

Today's weather is so nice, isn't it?

But I stay at home... My mom and dad are in Hokkaido right now!! That's unfair!!haha

As I wrote in my blog the other day, season of job hunting has started in Japan.
And, I went to job orientation (説明会)at Teijin the day before yesterday.
It was interesting and useful to get to know the distribution firm is, thought I was really tired after finifhing.

These days, I am thinking that Japanese style of job hunting which is unique and something weird. I don't know other countries', but maybe they are not the same as Japanese.

In Japanese style, it takes really really long time to get final offer from the company.
The process is like this:

1. get the accunt in the job-hunting web site

2. search companies you wanna work

3. entry some companies through job-hunting web site

4. get a mail from companies you entried

5. go to participate in company's orientation

6. take a written test ( or web test) ← That's sucks!!

7. If you pass a test, you can go to job interviews ( 2~4 times) →

8. Get a final offer from a company

See? It is a loooooong distance to get a job in Japan. And, I think this system was made since the Internet was widly popularized, so there are many job-hunting web sites in Japan. I also feel that job-hunting is toooo commercialized by that wer sites. They give us a good opportunity to consider our career and advices how to succeed at job hunting, which are good points of web sites.

But, they also have bad points that season of job seeking starts earlier year by year, they make job hunters hurry, and it is really difficult to chose from tooo much information.

I am a job seeker now, and I already feel difficulties to chose good companies for me from too much information in web site. When I was in America, I did not see senior ( or junior) students who wear black suit, busy doing job hunting, and say something like " I have to do job-hunting".

I don't know Japanese job hunting is good or bad... What do ya think?

1 件のコメント:

Amaebic Schizophrenea さんのコメント...


markus hayter da.

demo, watashi no real name ha Emmanuel da. wwwwww

un, amerika no job hunting sutairu to nihon no job hunting sutairu ha chigau yo. nihon no sutairu nohouga muzukashii...

demo, ima amerika deha, shigoto wo mitsukeru no ha kekkou muzukashii.