
Time has come....

Hi guys!

Can you guess what I am talking about??
Today, I'm gonna talk about.........


I think if you live in Japan, maybe you see some advertisement somewhere from the begining of this month. In the train, on TV commercial, by magazine, etc.....
When I see advertisement, I really feel worried because I am a job seeker!!!

This is an example of an advertisement.

I do not know why Japanese season of job-hunting comes so early and makes job-hunter( Senior or grad student) soooo narvous. Comparing with America, I did not see students who dress formally and busy to go to one after another firms. Although I do not know American job-hunting style very much, I am sure that Japanese style is wierd.
Season of job-hunting starts pretty early, we need to find a job before graduation, and there are many web sites for job-hunting.

One thing that makes us annoy is self-analysis!!!

We have to analize ourselves so deep to make better resume, so we really must be really careful and consider a lot!! Of course, it takes a long time to finish.....

I have not finished yet.... OMG!!

Since last week, I have started analyzing ( too late!), but it is really difficult....
When I was senior in undergrad, I also did, but I did not feel harder than this time.
I think it is because I changed what I want to do and what I want to be.
It is easier to change my mind, but it is really difficult to look for my ideal job.....
That is why deep self-analysis is necessity!!!
So, this video really heals my heart.
This is the link of that video. http://www.veoh.com/videos/v15604771RPPtheEK

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