
Movie again!!

Hi, guys!!

I went to see a movie yesterday with my friends!!

Movie again!! haha

I think this year is the special year I have been to the theater so often!!!

Especially from last month, I already have watched over 5 movies!!

The movie I saw yesterday was......

Japanese one which is called " Yogisha X no Kenshin". Sorry I don't know English title...

Maybe.... "Devotion of Suspect X" in English!

This film was originally from famous novel which was written by Keigo Higashino, and it connects with famous Japanese drama called "GALILEO", so actors and actresses in this film were the same as drama.

Story was that one genius named Tetsuya Ishigami devoted himself to save a lady he loved, because she accidentally killed her ex-husband. So, police could not solve this case because it was really clever trick.

And!! There was another genius guy whose nickname is " GALILEO"!! He was gonna solve this case.... But..... Those two genius were friend!!! When Galileo realized Ishigami was the criminal....

If you wanna know more, GO TO THE THEATER!! hehe

These days, I watched only foreign films like HANKOK and WANTED. And, I preferred to watch those movies than Japanese ones. But, I felt that Japanese films are also nice and Japanese actor&actress are playing very well by watching " Yogisha X no Kenshin" yesterday.

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