
Japanese culture is really "Not touch" culture??

Hi guys!!

Today's weather is not good, though it is Sunday.....

And, I found an interesting article in newspaper today!

It is about "Japanese hot spring".

I love hot spring!! It makes me relax~~!!

And, Japan is really famous for hot spring among travelers from foreign countries.

I think there are also hot spring all over the world, but it is really rare to take a bath with naked!! But, in Japan, it is normal thing, and everyone does.

So, article said that many Japanese hotels which have hot spring made a sign with detailed derection of bathing for foreign travelers.

Now, one thing came up in my mind that I discussed in a class.

"Touch culture and not-touch culture"!!!

As you know, Japanese culture is definetly "non-touch culture".
We don't hug even with parents, or don't with boyfriend/girlfriend in public place.
Of course, we don't kiss like Western people do.

But!! Don't you think something weird??

Yeah, I am talking about Japanese cuture thinks being naked in hot spring is OK though it is "not-touch culture"!!!

But, I still love Hot Spring!! hehe

1 件のコメント:

Amaebic Schizophrenea さんのコメント...

ningen ha are full of paradoxes. we will say and do one thing, but do something that seems contrary (chigau) the next.

i think that, in japan, the 'personal space' aspect is more important than it is in america, so even though japanese onsen have naked people, they still have personal space, right?