
Movies I saw last week!

Hi, guys!

I haven't updated my bolg again!! hehe

Last week was kind of busy because I had to go to get a new passport, go shopping with my mom, go to classes, go to see a movie with my friend, etc....

Yeah, as you can see, it was mostly because of pleasure!!hehe

Then, I gonna introduce movies I saw last week.

First one is " Mr. Baseball". I watched in the class. Has anyone watched this??

Before I watched, I did not know even know the title!! haha

This movie is about that American baseball player came to join Japanese baseball team ( Chunichi Dragons) and finally he made a new record as foreign player in Japan.

However, it was first time to come to Japan for him and he was forced to go to Japan, so he did not know Japanese culture like taking-off shoes, the way of taking a bath, and even Japanese language!!

As you can imagine, he experienced a lot of culture shock.

But!! One day, he met a beautiful Japanese lady, and she helped hime to get accustomed Japanese culture. But!! This lady was really strong and not like a normal Japanese lady!

I also got culture shock by her!! haha

If you want why, watch "Mr. Baseball"!!! I think this movie help you to know Japanese culture and how difficult to live in the othre country.

Second one is " WANTED"!! I watched this in the theater with my friend!!

I thought this was just an action film.....

But it was not!!! It was over action film!!

Bullet went clean through a head, blood streamed from head, and........

I do not remember because I almost always close my eyes during that scene!!

So, after a movie ended, I feel no energy in my body!!

But, Anjelina Jolie was really cool!!!

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