


It's nearly 1:00 am, but now is the time to relax with candles for me:-D

Tomorrow( actually today), I have the most difficult class called Intercultural Business Communication in Japan.....

As you can see, it is not Japanese class!!

Everything is ENGLISH~~~~!! Everyone speaks toooo fast....

Sometime I can not understand what they are saying~~!! haha

That's why I need relaxing time~~!!!

Although it is really hard class, it really recalls me of my studying life in USA.

Yeah, I had stayed in the US for 1 year. hehe

Anyway, we have studied " What is culture?"since last class.

And, I have to think about " Well-meaning clash" for next class.....

Hummm......Difficult question.....

I wish teacher won't ask me~~!! haha

Just joking;-D
I'll try my best!!

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