
Today's class!


As I said in last blog, I had a class today ( actually, yesterday!).

What we discussed in the class was a little bit difficult to understand to me.... My poor English...

The most difficult question was that what other people should know about your ( Japanese) culture to understand you.

And then, one student from Turckey explained that her culture is touch culture, so Turkish do not hesitate to touch other people ( even though he/she is stranger)!!

I was really surprised this fact because my culture is totally opposite!!

Japanese people do not ( or avoid) touch other people, do they?

Then, suddenly teacher asked us( my friends and me) what we though while we stayed in the U.S.!!! At first, one of my friend answered, and then, he asked ME!!


I became really narvous because I am really easier to be narvous, but I tried to say something!!

I think I made many many grammatical errors, but I think I did do my best!! haha

Class was kept by talking about culture shock.

I felt again that there were various culture in the world.

In the end of the class, Prof. showed us a funny short movie.

I don't what it is, but really funny!!

Actually this is not what I saw, but same kind;-D

When I saw this video, I felt the world is connected and all people is the same!

Good night;-D

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