
Best season has come to Kyoto!

Hi guys!!

I haven't updated my blog since last week.... Sorry!

In last weekend, I went to Arashiyama in Kyoto to see red leaves with my friend!

It was sooooooooooooooooo much more beautiful than I expected!

I think Kyoto is the best place to see wonderful red leaves in Japan because Kyoto has nostalgic mood and a lot of historical structures.

Oh!! Can't forget food in Kyoto!!

There are a lot of Japanese sweets shop everywhere in Kyoto, and they are soooo delicious!!

That's why I love Kyoto!! It is kinda far from my house, though!!

These days, I noticed there are still many many things about my country and culture which I don't know. The reason I think so is that I learn new things about Japan in Inter cultural business communication class.

Yesterday, we learn Japanese business words like " Thukiai-zangyo", "Nemawashi", "Haragei" and so on. Of course I knew the meanings of some words, but there were some I didn't know the correct meanings, or there was a word I did not know even the meaning!!!

What does " Haragei" mean!?!? I thought it was belly dance!! haha
It has this meaning, but in business field it was totally different!!
"Haragei" means the person who deal problems with considering his experience or courage!!

I love to learn foreign countries' cultural things, but I think it also really important to know about my own culture and language.

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