
CHANGE has come to America!

Hi, guys!
Big change was happened in the U.S. yesterday!!
Yeah!! New president was elected from black people!!!

I thought he would win this election, because his passion for becoming president was great.
And, I think his speeches and words have power to move people's heart.
So, I hope he makes America much better country, and solve many problems America has right now like global warming and economy recession.

But, what I was surprised most was the reaction American people did at the moment Obama won. Some people were hugging each other, and the other were crying!!

For me, I though it was like a big festival!! I have never seen people behaved like this in Japan.

So, I think Japanese people do not so much pay attention to own country's politics.....So sad....

One more thing which made me surprise was that American people's loooooong line of waiting for election. People were waiting for 3 or 4 hours to get election booth!! Can you believe that?It's never happened in Japan!! And, finally American citizens choose Obama, though he is black people!! This is the biggest change of America, I think!!

1 件のコメント:

Tiffany さんのコメント...

hi! i just browsed blogger on the tag KAT-TUN and saw your blog(: nice to meet you! Im a kat tun fan too! from singapore :D:D