
Christmas is coming~~!!

Hey, guys!
It's getting colder day by day, isn't it??
I could not update my blog because I had caught a cold.... Sorry!
As I said in the title, Christmas is coming!!! Yay!!
Since November started, town is covered with beautiful Christmas illumination!!

Then, I went to Universal Studios Japan last weekend to see wonderful and romantic Christmas illumination!!!

Unfortunately the weather was not good, so I was not able to see the whole Christmas show there, but big Christmas tree was really beautiful!!

When I was seeing the Christmas tree, I was also thinking why Japan ( or Japanese people) likes Christmas so much. Because our country is not christian, and even we are Buddhism country.

Moreover, it is really weird thing that we cerebrate New Year as Japanese ( or Buddhism) way like eating soba in New year's eve, and eating traditional food called Osechi in New year day!

But, we cerebrate Christmas with Western way like decorating trees, eating Christmas cake, or waiting for Santa.

I think those things really represents Japan isn't religious country. It is good thing to accept new things from outside, but it is more important to keep having own characteristics or beliefs.

I still like Christmas, though!haha

1 件のコメント:

Amaebic Schizophrenea さんのコメント...


so many people in many countries like Christmas because christmas is commercialised now to omoimasu.

christmas used to be about Jesus' birthday and very religious, but now, people only think about presents, and money, and food.

kanashii to omou....:(