
Too expensive!!!??

Hi, guys!!
It's already the middle of November!! Time goes tooo fast!!
Christmas is coming next month~!! I'm really looking forward~~:-D

That is not what I wanna talk today!haha
Anyway, " How much do you think foreign business man have to spend per day in Japan?"
This was a topic of the class yesterday!!

I thought 5000yen ( $50) was enough to spend.
Haha, you think that is too small, don't you?

Yeah, you are right!! The answer was 22000 yen ($220)!! But, this is only in Osaka!!
In Tokyo, it's gonna be higher because everything( food, accommodation, etc) is more expensive than Osaka!!

These days, much more business man come to Japan from all over the world...
How can they manage their money!? They are all rich man!? Their companies pay for them??

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