
How can I find my dream??

Hi guys!
Long time nooooooooooooo see!! hehe
I've totally forgot this blog for today!!hehe

The last update was the end of last year......
I feel it was really really long time ago!!
I think I was busy with one class called Inter-cultural business communication!!!
That class was really sucks!! Not interesting, not good classmates...... but, I got good grade. hehe

Now, I am super busy with job-hunting, internship, and part-time job.....

Job-hunting is just a troublesome!! I hate it!!!
I think Japanese job- seeking is so much different with other countries because of too many steps to get final offer from a company.

Resume or Entry Sheet are really important and difficult to write because some companies use that sheets to cut some job-seekers.

So, we have to write interesting, logical, unique one!!!!
Of course, it takes sooooooooooooooo long time to make a perfect one.........
I don't know how many times I wrote......

Then, there are many many many job interviews after passing resume or a test!!!
3 times, at least. That's toooo many!!
At the interview, we must get recruiters attention by personal PR!!

Personal PR is also the most important points in job-hunt!!
It must be original, logical, and unique!!
Job-seekers also consider a alot to make a better one than others....

When I took a job interview the other day, I got difficult but normal question.
It was about "My dream". And, I noticed I did not have any dream right now......

When I was a under grad student, I had many dreams like study abroad or working at travel company. But I don't have any dream now.........

I dont wanna get a job related with English so much, and don't want to study English more...
Everyday, I try to find my dream, but I can't.......
I think it is more difficult to have dream to getting older....

And, also I think what the real meaning of " working" is.....
Many people who quite or eager to quite their jobs because of mental and physical problems.
Main reason of suicide is also related with job or human relationship in working place.

How and where can I find my future dream??
" Working" is really fun??

When I get the answer of these questions, it is the time to stop my job-hunting (or get a final offer from my ideal company).


How do you fall in love with someone??

Hi guys!
Sorry for the late update!
Christmas is coming 2 weeks later, and there are a lot of couples in everywhere!! Sooo jealous!!
How do you spend Christmas day and with who??
I think Western people spend with family and Asians, especially Japanese people spend with boy/girlfriend.

Though I gonna go to Taiwan to meet my Taiwanese friend in Christmas this year, I had a terrible memory in Christmas!! It happened last year!!
It's really like the lyric of "Last Christmas"!!

Last Christmas I gave wonderful and expensive present with my heart, but the very next moment he gave me a MisterDougnuts' schedule book(This can get for free)!! →

What do ya think??
Even though we are in the same Japanese culture, I got a big culture shock!!! Huge culture shock!! haha

This is not what I am gonna talk today. I gonna talk how people fall in love with someone or how people become a couple.

The other day, in my class, I found that there is big difference of that between cultures.

In Japanese culture, we get a phone number or e-mail address first to get to know the person you like.

But, this is totally different with American and European cultures!!

They talk with someone you like directly to ask go out!! I think this is related to the difference of communication style, because they are low-context language and we are high-context language. For that reason, we need to take long process to go out with someone but they don't.

I don't know which the better strategy is, but if a boy speak to me directly to go out I feel he is a playboy!haha


Christmas is coming~~!!

Hey, guys!
It's getting colder day by day, isn't it??
I could not update my blog because I had caught a cold.... Sorry!
As I said in the title, Christmas is coming!!! Yay!!
Since November started, town is covered with beautiful Christmas illumination!!

Then, I went to Universal Studios Japan last weekend to see wonderful and romantic Christmas illumination!!!

Unfortunately the weather was not good, so I was not able to see the whole Christmas show there, but big Christmas tree was really beautiful!!

When I was seeing the Christmas tree, I was also thinking why Japan ( or Japanese people) likes Christmas so much. Because our country is not christian, and even we are Buddhism country.

Moreover, it is really weird thing that we cerebrate New Year as Japanese ( or Buddhism) way like eating soba in New year's eve, and eating traditional food called Osechi in New year day!

But, we cerebrate Christmas with Western way like decorating trees, eating Christmas cake, or waiting for Santa.

I think those things really represents Japan isn't religious country. It is good thing to accept new things from outside, but it is more important to keep having own characteristics or beliefs.

I still like Christmas, though!haha


Best season has come to Kyoto!

Hi guys!!

I haven't updated my blog since last week.... Sorry!

In last weekend, I went to Arashiyama in Kyoto to see red leaves with my friend!

It was sooooooooooooooooo much more beautiful than I expected!

I think Kyoto is the best place to see wonderful red leaves in Japan because Kyoto has nostalgic mood and a lot of historical structures.

Oh!! Can't forget food in Kyoto!!

There are a lot of Japanese sweets shop everywhere in Kyoto, and they are soooo delicious!!

That's why I love Kyoto!! It is kinda far from my house, though!!

These days, I noticed there are still many many things about my country and culture which I don't know. The reason I think so is that I learn new things about Japan in Inter cultural business communication class.

Yesterday, we learn Japanese business words like " Thukiai-zangyo", "Nemawashi", "Haragei" and so on. Of course I knew the meanings of some words, but there were some I didn't know the correct meanings, or there was a word I did not know even the meaning!!!

What does " Haragei" mean!?!? I thought it was belly dance!! haha
It has this meaning, but in business field it was totally different!!
"Haragei" means the person who deal problems with considering his experience or courage!!

I love to learn foreign countries' cultural things, but I think it also really important to know about my own culture and language.


Too expensive!!!??

Hi, guys!!
It's already the middle of November!! Time goes tooo fast!!
Christmas is coming next month~!! I'm really looking forward~~:-D

That is not what I wanna talk today!haha
Anyway, " How much do you think foreign business man have to spend per day in Japan?"
This was a topic of the class yesterday!!

I thought 5000yen ( $50) was enough to spend.
Haha, you think that is too small, don't you?

Yeah, you are right!! The answer was 22000 yen ($220)!! But, this is only in Osaka!!
In Tokyo, it's gonna be higher because everything( food, accommodation, etc) is more expensive than Osaka!!

These days, much more business man come to Japan from all over the world...
How can they manage their money!? They are all rich man!? Their companies pay for them??


CHANGE has come to America!

Hi, guys!
Big change was happened in the U.S. yesterday!!
Yeah!! New president was elected from black people!!!

I thought he would win this election, because his passion for becoming president was great.
And, I think his speeches and words have power to move people's heart.
So, I hope he makes America much better country, and solve many problems America has right now like global warming and economy recession.

But, what I was surprised most was the reaction American people did at the moment Obama won. Some people were hugging each other, and the other were crying!!

For me, I though it was like a big festival!! I have never seen people behaved like this in Japan.

So, I think Japanese people do not so much pay attention to own country's politics.....So sad....

One more thing which made me surprise was that American people's loooooong line of waiting for election. People were waiting for 3 or 4 hours to get election booth!! Can you believe that?It's never happened in Japan!! And, finally American citizens choose Obama, though he is black people!! This is the biggest change of America, I think!!



Hi, guys!!
Yesterday was Halloween, wasn't it? Did u celebrate??
I went to school, and I was many people who disguised themselves with cartoon characters, mummy, and so on. It really reminded me of Halloween party in the U.S.

Anyway, today's topic is "stereotype". I think everyone has some stereotypes to someone or something.

Yesterday, in the class, we were talking about "stereotypes".

What I was surprised most was all classmates from other countries said Japanese people have camera and take a lot of pictures during traveling!!

Hummm...I think it is not a lie, but it is not can be said Japanese travelers take more photos than other foreign travelers, because I saw many visiters from other coutries taking photos in sighseeing spot like USJ, Osaka, Kobe in Japan.

So, I am curios about why our classmates incuding teacher have such stereotype to us. Is it because that Japanese like traveling? I think taking pictures are the best way to record the precious memories!!