
How can I find my dream??

Hi guys!
Long time nooooooooooooo see!! hehe
I've totally forgot this blog for today!!hehe

The last update was the end of last year......
I feel it was really really long time ago!!
I think I was busy with one class called Inter-cultural business communication!!!
That class was really sucks!! Not interesting, not good classmates...... but, I got good grade. hehe

Now, I am super busy with job-hunting, internship, and part-time job.....

Job-hunting is just a troublesome!! I hate it!!!
I think Japanese job- seeking is so much different with other countries because of too many steps to get final offer from a company.

Resume or Entry Sheet are really important and difficult to write because some companies use that sheets to cut some job-seekers.

So, we have to write interesting, logical, unique one!!!!
Of course, it takes sooooooooooooooo long time to make a perfect one.........
I don't know how many times I wrote......

Then, there are many many many job interviews after passing resume or a test!!!
3 times, at least. That's toooo many!!
At the interview, we must get recruiters attention by personal PR!!

Personal PR is also the most important points in job-hunt!!
It must be original, logical, and unique!!
Job-seekers also consider a alot to make a better one than others....

When I took a job interview the other day, I got difficult but normal question.
It was about "My dream". And, I noticed I did not have any dream right now......

When I was a under grad student, I had many dreams like study abroad or working at travel company. But I don't have any dream now.........

I dont wanna get a job related with English so much, and don't want to study English more...
Everyday, I try to find my dream, but I can't.......
I think it is more difficult to have dream to getting older....

And, also I think what the real meaning of " working" is.....
Many people who quite or eager to quite their jobs because of mental and physical problems.
Main reason of suicide is also related with job or human relationship in working place.

How and where can I find my future dream??
" Working" is really fun??

When I get the answer of these questions, it is the time to stop my job-hunting (or get a final offer from my ideal company).